Official Visitors Guide Listing: Membership includes a free business listing in 20,000 copies of the Greater Merrimack Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Guide, distributed through the Greater Merrimack Valley, Greater Boston, Canada, Maine, NH CT, NY, NJ, PA and mailed to thousands of travelers both domestic and international annually. Online digital flipbook and embedded onto USB drives for Trade Shows. Listing: Membership includes a free descriptive listing with hyperlink, photos, social media links, YouTube Video, groups, events & weddings information.

Exclusive use of official Greater Merrimack Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Logo: Use our logo to endorse your business as a member of the official Convention and Visitor’s Bureau of the Greater Merrimack Valley.

Legislative Advocacy: The CVB actively educates and advocates for the tourism industry at the municipal and state level.

E- Newsletters: Learn about ongoing initiatives to drive tourism to our region, cooperative marketing opportunities, networking events, industry education, public services announcements, member information, and much more.

Consumer E – blasts: The CVB’s consumer database has more than 53,000 subscribers who have expressed interest in the Greater Merrimack Valley region. E – newsletters are sent seasonally and are sometimes geographically target to our drive markets- NE and mid-Atlantic states. Cooperative paid opportunities to feature your business are presented regularly.

Online Calendar Listings: Spread the word about your events or exhibits while gaining valuable exposure for your business. This is one of our sites’ most visited pages.


Member Networking & Educational Opportunities: Meet industry colleagues and develop relationships that support your business through our networking mixers and monthly sales meetings. Virtual programming is free, and we encourage you to get involved. Attend monthly luncheons, evening events, and Greater Merrimack Valley CVB Annual Tourism Summit throughout the year. All have nominal admission fees with significant member discounts. * All in -person programming will resume when health data allows.


Visitor Guide Advertising: Enhance your exposure in this annual publication – place an ad and be seen by thousands traveling to the Greater Merrimack Valley region. Attracts Leisure, Groups, Meetings, Weddings and Special Events Markets- Domestic and International. 20,000 printed copies, Online digital flipbook and embedded onto USB drives for Trade Shows.

Website Advertising & Member E blasts: Inquire about Enhanced and / Featured Listings on and sending direct messages to more than 53,047 members and industry contacts.

Cooperative Advertising: Stretch your marketing dollars by advertising collectively with our members in select print and online media.

FAM Tours: Join us in hosting travel writers, bloggers, influencers, photographers and international press and group tour leaders covering the Greater Merrimack Valley.